Machine Learning Workshop Part-3 @ PythonPune Meetup


The PythonPune Meetup event is hosted by Chandankumar, Suraj Naewade, Ganesh Kamdam and Satyajit Bulage(Me).

PythonPune Meetup was based on the DataDojo…sounds uncanny ;). Basically, this meetup is based on Analysing, Practicing and Solving real-time problems based on DataSet.

This meetup was held in Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd. Magarpatta City, Pune. This was third Consecutive Meetup based on Machine Learning and Data Science.

Sudarshan Gadhve gave some brief idea regarding the tools i.e. python-pandas and numpy those were covered in last two meetups.

Meetup is basically a Hackathon which is based on above tools which were discussed in last meetups. There were almost 25-27 attendees present for the meetup. Sample DataSet was chosen by the attendees for Data Analysis. Various DataSets are available on Google. Most of the people used

1. Sample Train Data Set

2. Adult Data Set

All attendees were grouped as 5 members in each group, took one of the DataSet and started working on it. Most of the people were familiar with tools and for Analysing and Solving DataSet they were using Python-Pandas, matplotlib, basic data science operations.

From all attendees succeed in their Analysing the given/chosen DataSet, they shared their work with fellows and also on Github link. All attendees got some goodies. Few names are as follows:

Scikit-learn will be the last part of our PythonPune Meetup from DataScience Series. Updates from the last meetup(s) will be found here…

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